Awakening Possibility


Marketing & Advertising

Serving the Fortune 5,000,000 (The New Secret Sauce)

May 17, 2010 by Antwon Davis

The Fortune 5,000,000 is what Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson from 37signals describe as the countless small businesses and organizations that continue to go underserved by creative professionals. These small businesses (ie. local restaurants, clothing and boutique shops, bookstores, success startups, grocery stores, car…

To Write Love On Her Arms: The Power of One Organization’s Influence

November 24, 2009 by Antwon Davis

I’ve been doing some research of different groups of out-of-the-box people who have rallied around a cause or idea. Many of these groups have established businesses, organizations, and even churches that have made major impact in our culture and world over the last decade. I…

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

September 21, 2009 by Antwon Davis

After being laid off from his third job working at an agency in Boston called Arnold, Erik Proulx – a 37 year old copywriter – decided that he had had enough. Putting his creative skills together, he began documenting stories of other laid-off execs. As…

10 Easy Ways to Keep Me from Visiting Your Church Because I Visited Your Website

March 16, 2009 by Antwon Davis

As silly as the title may sound, I found this post by Tony Morgan to be very interesting. As a growing and developing designer and thinker, this is extremely relevant in my world of effective ministry. Why is this important? Because most people visit a…

The Brand Gap

December 8, 2008 by Antwon Davis

What if Starbucks Marketed Like a Church?

November 9, 2008 by Antwon Davis

I found this video on a blog, and I found it quite interesting. It makes you think about how weird and ineffective the Church can be in engaging the culture. I think this video is a great conversation-starter. Check out the video below… What are…

The Groundswell

July 5, 2008 by Antwon Davis

I love studying topics on marketing and brand development. In my usual web research, I ran past something that I thought was pretty interesting. I’ve seen this book at Barnes & Nobles and I’ve heard some buzz about it over the blogosphere, but it wasn’t…

Why Does Church Marketing HAVE to Suck?

June 18, 2008 by Antwon Davis

Here’s what I know: Everybody – to some degree – is a marketer. Don’t believe me? Think about this… Whether it is through spreading the word about a product, a service or an event, or just sharing an opinion, everybody at some point has “promoted”…