Awakening Possibility



Why I’m Considering Buying a Tesla When I Turn 30, and Why I Think You Should Too

September 9, 2013 by Antwon Davis

It’s a little after 4am this Monday morning, and I’m up as usual awakening possibility in myself. I’m usually up late in the middle of discovering something. Either I’m online, brainstorming, or reading a book. I look forward to late nights like these. Not everybody…

Microsoft’s Biggest Secret

November 27, 2011 by Antwon Davis

Whether it be because of their lack of obvious innovation or their stubbornness to effectively compete with giants like Google and Apple, most of us have implicitly agreed that Microsoft has lost its ‘mojo’. We have all sorta looked over Microsoft and labeled them as irrelevant…

Why the Future of Work Is Play

June 2, 2011 by Antwon Davis

Mobile Apps Gone Wild!

June 2, 2011 by Antwon Davis

Mobile apps have gone wild! And I have the statistics to prove it: To date, nearly 4 billion mobile phones are now in use. More than 1 billion of those are smartphones. After much data collection and analyzing, researchers are discovering some interesting facts about…

The Future Is Touch (Part 2)

May 26, 2011 by Antwon Davis

Watch the following video and feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section.

The Future Is Touch (Part 1)

May 26, 2011 by Antwon Davis

Watch the following video and feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section.

Web 3.0: The Evolution of the Internet

May 14, 2011 by Antwon Davis

The Web as we know it has been in constant evolution. Many of us may be totally oblivious to this fact, but I can remember a day before there was high-speed Internet, social networks, cloud computing, mobile devices, and iPads. A day when you had…

Google Introduces The Fiber

April 5, 2010 by Antwon Davis

Google is taking over the world! We should all be afraid! lol. As funny as it may sound, some of it is true. Starting as a simple search engine, Google has transformed into an empire with market-share in industries from mobile phones, web searching, maps,…