Posted in Creativity on November 23, 2011
Antwon Davis
February 19, 2010 by Antwon Davis
The world can’t handle you being YOURSELF! So go ahead and BE it anyway! If you look back over history, many of the remarkable people we read about in our textbooks and novels made the choice to be themselves. They made the choice to bring…
July 11, 2008 by Antwon Davis
I gotta ask this question because it’s been on my mind… Are You Going All Out? Now I’m not talking from a naive standpoint… I’ve done my research (or at least some research). What I’m finding is that for many churches, the idea of church…
November 29, 2008 by Antwon Davis
A lack of meditation leads to a life of memory. Meditation challenges the mind and provokes imagination. DREAM! 117
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