My 100 Life Goals
How many people do you know that can actually zoom out 30,000 ft., view the progress of their life, and identify where they have set goals and accomplished them? Not many. Most of us live like the wind – moving to and fro from one day to the next. I find myself living like this as well at times.
However, I believe in the idea that our lives are more than just happenstance. I believe we all have a role in designing and cultivating the life we want. I call this lifestyle design. Setting goals is not just about accomplishing a list of 2-do’s. It’s a starting point toward designing the life you want.
Below is a list of goals, my 100 Life Goals. These goals are points-of-progress on my journey to a life by design. If you’re interested in learning more about 100 Life Goals, feel free to join our mailing list below and buy from our 100 Life Goals Collection!